Worldwide Exclusive
Sports Hoop’s Products are embodied in its Intellectual Property, including Patents, Conventional Trademarks, non-Conventional Trademarks and Copyrights.
Sports Hoop Inc.and Globmar Inc. owned Sports Hoop series product;
Sports Hoop®,
Acu Hoop®,
Trim Hoop®,
Power Hoop®,
Wavy Hoop®
and DIY Hoop™
are intellectual property protected products in USA, Canada, the European Unions including Norway and Denmark, Australia, Mexico, Brazil, China, Japan and Taiwan. Except our certified distributor: Linbos Corporation, and Boslin International group. No other company or individual can manufacture or sell Sports Hoop series products in previously mentioned countries or any country that is part of the World Trade Organization. (The current valid intellectual property rights include the 3D trademark, shape and color copyrights, and brand trademarks. Documents available upon proper request)
Intellectual Property Notice
All Sports Hoop products are protected by Intellectual Property Law, Copyright Law of U.S., Copyright Law of E.U., Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), and Madrid System of the WIPO, and are owned or licensed to Sports Hoop Inc. and Kun Yuan Lin. UNAUTHORIZED PRODUCTION, ALTERATION, SELLING, MARKETING, USING, PROMOTING, ADVERTISING, IMPORTING, EXPORTING, OR REFERENCING MATERIALS, PROMOTION ON WEB SITES, COPYING OR PRODUCTING PRODUCT LABELS, OR RE-PACKAGING OF ANY OF THE SPORTS HOOP SERIES PRODUCTS AND ITS CONTENT IS PROHIBITED.
Our intellectual property rights include ---
3D Trademark -- Protects the 3D design and shape of Acu Hoop and Power Hoop in the following countries; USA, Canada, All European Union countries, Australia, New Zealand, Norway, Denmark, Mexico, Brazil, China, Japan, Taiwan and all member countries of the World Trade Organization.
Copyrights– Protects the color and shape of Acu Hoop and Power Hoop in the following countries; USA, Taiwan and member countries of the World Trade Organization.
Brand Trademark-- Acu Hoop, Trim Hoop, Power Hoop, Wavy Hoop and DIY Hoop are registered trademarks in USA and are protected by all member countries of the World Trade Organization.
Sports Hoop Inc. & Globmar Inc. / Intellectual Property Right Owner
Boslin International Group / Worldwide distributor (excluding USA)
Sports Hoop Patent, Trademarks and Copyrights
These guidelines are for Sports Hoop authorized resellers, customers, and other parties wishing to use Sports Hoop's trademarks, copyrights to protect themselves from engaging illegal activities in selling, marketing, using, promotional, advertising, import, export, or reference materials, or on their web sites, products, labels, or packaging. Use of the Sports Hoop products for commercial purposes without the prior written consent of Sports Hoop may constitute patent, trademark, copyright infringement and unfair competition in violation of federal and state laws. Use of Sport Hoop trademarks may be prohibited, unless expressly authorized.
Sports Hoop’s patent, trademarks, and copyrights are valuable assets. In following these guidelines, you help us protect our valuable trademark rights and strengthen our corporate and brand identities. By using Sports Hoop trademark, in whole or in part, you are acknowledging that Sports Hoop is the sole owner of the trademark and promising that you will not interfere with Sports Hoop's rights in the trademark, including challenging Sports Hoop's use, registration of, or application to register such trademark, alone or in combination with other words, anywhere in the world, and that you will not harm, misuse, or bring into disrepute any Sports Hoop trademark. The goodwill derived from using any part of Sports Hoop trademark exclusively inures to the benefit of and belongs to Sports Hoop. Except for the limited right to use as expressly permitted under these Guidelines, no other rights of any kind are granted hereunder, by implication or otherwise.
Authorized Use of Sports Hoop Trademarks
1. Advertising, Promotional, and Sales Materials: Only Sports Hoop and its authorized resellers may use the Sports Hoop trademark in advertising, promotional, and sales materials. Such authorized parties may use the Sports Hoop trademark only as specified in their agreement with Sports Hoop and such use must always be in conjunction with the appropriate terms that define the relationship authorized by their contract with Sports Hoop. For example:
Authorized Reseller
Authorized Wholesaler
Authorized Regional Seller
Authorized Sports Hoop Trainer
2. Web Sites: Web sites that serve only as noncommercial electronic informational forums concerning a Sports Hoop product or its use and review may use the appropriate Sports Hoop mark, provided such use complies with the proper legal authorization.
Unauthorized Use of Sports Hoop Trademarks
1. Company, Product, or Service Name: You may not use or register, in whole or in part, Sports Hoop, Acu Hoop, Trim Hoop, Power Hoop, Wavy Hoop, DIY Hoop, or any other Sports Hoop trademark, including Sports Hoop-owned patent design, 3D trademark, conventional trademarks, copyrights, graphic symbols, logos, icons, or an alteration thereof, as or as part of a company name, trade name, product name, or service name except as specifically noted in these guidelines.
2. Sports Hoop Logo and Sports Hoop-owned Graphic Symbols: You may not use the Sports Hoop Logo or any other Sports Hoop-owned graphic symbol, logo, or icon on or in connection with web sites, products, packaging, manuals, promotional/advertising materials, or for any other purpose except pursuant to an express written trademark license from Sports Hoop, such as a reseller agreement.
3. Variations, Takeoffs or Abbreviations: You may not use an image of a rainbow color circle or other variation of the Sports Hoop logo for any purpose. Third parties cannot use a variation, phonetic equivalent, foreign language equivalent, takeoff, or abbreviation of a Sports Hoop trademark for any purpose.
4. Disparaging Manner: You may not use a Sports Hoop trademark or any other Sports Hoop-owned graphic symbol, logo, or icon in a disparaging manner.
5. Endorsement or Sponsorship: You may not use Sports Hoop, Acu Hoop, Trim Hoop, Power Hoop, Wavy Hoop, DIY Hoop, or any other Sports Hoop trademark, including Sports Hoop-owned graphic symbols/logos, or icons, in a manner that would imply Sports Hoop's affiliation with or endorsement, sponsorship, or support of a third party product or service.
6. Merchandise Items: You may not manufacture, sell or give-away merchandise items, such as T-shirts and mugs, bearing Sports Hoop, Acu Hoop, Trim Hoop, Power Hoop, Wavy Hoop, DIY Hoop, or any other Sports Hoop trademark, including symbols, logos, or icons, except pursuant to an express written trademark license from Sports Hoop.
7. Domain Names: You may not use an identical or virtually identical Sports Hoop trademark as a second level domain name.
Not acceptable:
「sportshoopss.com」 「sportshoopstore.com」 「AcuHoop4sale.com」 「Sports--Hoop.com」
Depictions of Sports Hoop Products
Endorsement or Sponsorship: Sports Hoop does not support the use of its logos, company names, product names, or images of Sports Hoop products by other parties in marketing, promotional or advertising materials as their use may create the perception that Sports Hoop endorses or sponsors the product, service or promotion.
Sports Hoop Inc. / Intellectual Property Right Owner
Linbos Corporation / Exclusive distributor in USA
Boslin International Group / Worldwide distributor (excluding USA)
All Rights Reserved. 1999 - 2022. Sports Hoop®