Collaboration Sponsorship

A. Fitness Trainer Sponsor Program and Globmar Inc. benefit workout trainers who are interested in Sports Hoop workout exercises. The sponsor program needs to correspond to the following conditions:
Qualification of entering the Sports Hoop Trainer Program
1. A valid fitness trainer certificate from a certified institute or organization. A certificate of exercise teacher.
2. A Class proof in a gym classroom environment with at least 4 active students for three months period at least.
3. Be able to hoop for 5 minutes without dropping while keeping the form and incorporating movements.
4. Knowledge of safety and use of Sports Hoop hooping and exercise.
Benefits of the Sports Hoop Trainer Program
1. Two free Sports Hoops without any charge.
2. We provide all trainers a personal coupon code and this code is valid for 6 months period.
3. Trainers can give the code to anyone and get 10% off all items when purchase without minimum purchase in (USA only)
4. Trainer get 10% cash bonus from all personal coupon purchase monthly.
5. Get a "Certified Sports Hoop Trainer" certificates with no charge after coupon used more than 100 times. (details by contact).
6. Free Sports Hoop directory listing in the future of your name, location and program. Listing you as a certified trainer and own the advantage of geographical exclusiveness for two years period at least.
7. Get paid from new training video posting on YouTube or TikTok, 3 minutes USD$100, 5 minutes USD$200. If the personal coupon response well, we pay more for the videos..
8. Get paid from personal training video posted on The video needs to be 4-5 minutes with HD quality. The payment starting from USD $200-$300 each video if the contents and quality are qualified.
9. Qualified to be a reseller and doing personal business (terms refer to our wholesaler policy. Please visit ).
Please contact us for the details. / Globmar Inc. / USA

B. Influencer Sponsor Program and Globmar Inc. benefit workout trainers who are interested in Sports Hoop workout exercises. The sponsor program needs to correspond to the following conditions:
Qualification of entering Sports Hoop Influencer Program
1. Viewable on social media. YouTube with 20K+ subscribers, TikTok with 20K+ followers.
2. Be able to hoop Hula Hoop for 2 minutes without dropping.
3. Knowledge of safety and use of Sports Hoop hooping and exercise.
Benefits of Sports Hoop Trainer Program
1. Two free Sports Hoops without any charge.
2. We provide all influencer a personal coupon code and this code is valid for 6 months period.
3. Influencer can give the code to anyone and get 10% off all items without minimum purchase requirement when purchase in (USA only)
4. Influencer get 10% cash bonus from all personal coupon purchase monthly.
5. Get paid from personal new hooping video posting on YouTube or TikTok, 3 minutes USD$100, 5 minutes USD$200. If the personal coupon response well, we pay more for the videos.
6. Get paid from personal training video posted on The video needs to be 4-5 minutes with HD quality. The payment starting from USD $200-$300 each video if the contents and quality are qualified.
7. Qualified to be a reseller and doing personal business (terms refer to our wholesaler policy. Please visit ).
Please contact us for the details. / Globmar Inc. / USA